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6 Mistakes Parents Make After Christmas

For most kids, Christmas means lots of new toys. As parents, we find it very frustrating when we see these brand new toys just lying there. And to top it all off – the kids are whining and complaining that they’re bored! Here are 6 common mistakes that parents make about

To My Daughter – Always Try Your Best

Lately, when you come home from school, we sit at the kitchen table and work on your ‘homework’. It amazes me that you are so excited to come home and work in your workbook. But I love it, and I want to encourage your love of learning. It probably helps

What’s in Baby Shampoo?

Baby shampoo was never an issue for me. I just used the usual tear-free one you can buy at any supermarket or drug store. It wasn’t until I read something online, that I began to think about what ingredients were inside. What chemicals am I using on my newborn’s skin? Most baby shampoos

Chiropractic For Newborns and Infants

I was adjusted at birth. My father made sure that after the traumatic experience of being pushed through the birth canal, that my spine and nervous system were operating at peak efficiency. I was lucky: my longest labour was 12 hours. That was with my first baby. The longest I had
